- Please check Konstella for important messages from the school and your student’s teacher.
- Students should have sharpened pencils daily.
- Students are encouraged to bring a sweater or sweatshirt if they are cold and a water bottle daily.
Reading Workshop
For the months of September and October, students will read series books to support them in the foundational work of studying characters and growing ideas. We know that series reading can help to develop a lifelong love of reading and support reading with increased volume and engagement. Please help students create a reading environment at home so they can read 30 minutes.
For the month of September, we will launch the Writing Workshop by writing personal narratives. The focus of this first unit will be to help students be reflective of their own lives and write about what matters to them. Through this unit, the students are encouraged to be independent with their writing and to use strategies they’ve learned in previous years.
In October, students will continue to draft their personal narratives, in addition to expanding their repertoire of strategies and working with independence. Students will be challenging themselves by going through the writing process (drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) with strong story structure.
Please encourage your child to add various entries into his/her Writer’s Notebook.
Topic 1- Understand Place Value
Students will learn about place value- the idea that the value of a digit depends on the place in a number- for whole numbers to hundred millions and decimals to thousandths. Students will also learn that a digit in any place has 10 times the value it would have in the place to its right and 1/10 to the value it would have in the place to its left.
Topic 2-Add and Subtract Decimals to Hundredths
Students will develop proficiency with adding and subtracting decimals. These skills will enable your child to solve mathematical and real-world problems efficiently. These skills will also help your child estimate sums and differences in order to determine the reasonableness of solutions.
Topic 3- Fluently Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
Students will learn to explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10. Your child will also apply his or her understanding of place value to estimate products.
In this unit, students take on the role of astronomers, helping a team of archaeologists at the fictional Museum of Archaeology. Students are asked to figure out and explain the significance of the illustrations on a recently discovered thousand-year-old artifact with a missing piece, the anchor phenomenon for the unit. Students observe and investigate patterns in the sky by day and by night with kinesthetic models, as well as using a digital simulation, and informational text. They learn that stars are all around us in space, develop an understanding of scale and distance in the universe, and discover how the spin and orbit of our planet causes us to observe daily and yearly patterns of stars. Students apply their understanding of why we see different stars at different times to explain what is shown on the artifact, and what might be on the missing piece.
Social Studies
Unit 1: Geography and Early and Societies of the Western Hemisphere
This unit provides students to explore various early civilizations of Canadian region, Inuit society, and early Americans. Students will learn how early people adapted to their environment and how they contribute to the development of the Western Hemisphere.
Upcoming Events
10/1/21 School Picture Day (Including Class Photos)
10/11/21 Columbus Day- No School
SEL/Equity Corner
Latinx Heritage Month
Social Emotional Learning
- Create a welcoming and affirming environment
- Getting to Know each other
- Learning each other’s names and what they mean to us