Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Led by Ms. Passik, our art program touches on many aspects of the visual arts, including:

  • Creating art and exploring various media (painting, drawing, printmaking, collage, sculpture, etc.), and expressing personal visions through art
  • Developing literacy in the arts (including developing a visual arts vocabulary and learning to interpret artwork by finding evidence to support assertions)
  • Making social, cultural and historical connections to visual art
  • Noticing connections between visual arts and other academic areas, including math, science, and social studies
  • Becoming aware of community and cultural resources to extend the learning experience beyond the bounds of the classroom
  • Building awareness of careers in the arts and the importance of lifelong learning
  • Learning about the value of research, planning and problem​ solving in the art room

See the wonderful artwork that our students have been working on between September and December, 2020.

About the Art Projects

(PreK and Kindergarten Only)

Neighborhood and Near/Far  

Students were asked to envision what they see in their neighborhood as they step outside their home, and then they created beautiful neighborhood drawings. Separately, they discussed how objects in a landscape that are far away appear smaller, and this inspired a second landscape drawing.

Color Wheels

Students were asked to create color wheels (red-orange-yellow-green-blue-purple) from objects found in their homes.  

Paper Sculpture

After observing sculpture by famous artists, students were asked to create their own paper sculpture by cutting, curling, folding and gluing paper onto a base.

(First to Fifth Grade)

Sock Puppets

As the first project for this year of remote learning, students were asked to create sock puppets using a sock and any supplies found around the home. The results are full of personality!

Elements of art

The seven elements of art are: line, shape, form, texture, value, color, and space. Throughout the year we will look at these various elements and focus on them as components of our artwork.  


Students were asked to envision what they see in their neighborhood as they step outside their home, and then they created their beautiful drawings.

Figures (inspired by Keith Haring)

Students practiced drawing basic figures. They then took a look at some artwork by New York artist Keith Haring as inspiration for drawing very active and imaginary figures. Do you see all the movement?

Ocean Scenes

Students first practiced drawing a variety of ocean animals from photographs, and then they created a final masterpiece, including background, overlapping and color.

Radial Balance and Mandalas

Radial balance was the basis of these drawings, whereby a design has been repeated in a circular pattern.

Amazon Rainforest: Sketches and final artwork

Students practiced drawing a variety of plants and animals from a wide range of photographs from the Amazon Rainforest. They then used their sketches to create final drawings, full of images, overlapping and color.

PreK and Kindergarten

 Sock Puppets, Elements of Art, Neighborhood and Near/Far, Color Wheels, Paper Sculpture, Castles and Special Place (inspired by Claude Monet)

First Grade

 Sock Puppets, Elements of Art, Neighborhood and Near/Far, Color Wheels, Paper Sculpture, Castles and Special Place (inspired by Claude Monet)

Sock Puppets, Elements of Art (lines, shapes, forms, textures, and values), Neighborhood, Figures (Inspired by Keith Haring), Ocean Scenes.

Third Grade

Sock Puppets, Elements of Art (lines, shapes, forms, textures, and values), Amazon Rainforest: Sketches and final artwork, Radial Balance and Mandalas

Fourth Grade

Sock Puppets, Elements of Art (lines, shapes, forms, textures, and values), Amazon Rainforest: Sketches and final artwork, Radial Balance and Mandalas

Fifth Grade

Sock Puppets, Elements of Art (lines, shapes, forms, textures, and values), Amazon Rainforest: Sketches and final artwork, Radial Balance and Mandalas

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