Our Science program, Amplify Science, is taught by cluster teachers to deepen content knowledge and foster synthesis of ideas and concepts from K-5. Students are engaged in inquiry based and hands-on activities that require high level thinking across a variety of modalities allowing them to question and explore. Amplify Science blends digital experiences with hands-on lessons that inspire students to think like scientists and engineers to solve real-world problems.
Viewing the world as scientists and engineers
In our curriculum, educators ask students to investigate a problem or phenomenon as a biomedical engineer, marine biologist or food chemist would, to name a few.
Applying new knowledge more than once to deepen understanding
At the culmination of most units, students are presented a second problem, designed so students can apply their newly acquired knowledge to a similar problem in novel circumstances. It is in this step that students demonstrate a deep understanding of knowledge and recognize the strength of their intellectual potential.
Amplify Science is rooted in the Do-Talk-Read-Write-Visualize model of learning. Coupling this process with a suite of digital apps, including modeling tools, computerized simulations, and science practice apps, students step into the world of science and learn from within it.
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade